In a water molecule, two atoms of hydrogen and one atom of oxygen share electrons. A bond is found in a water molecule.

A. ionic bond
B. Covalent bond
C. chemical bond
D. isotope
Is the answer B?

but what about my grandson's hockey game ?

sharing electrons is covalent, yes

giving up electrons to the other atom would be ionic.

Thank you please stay with me on this.

Look at this problem answer at the bottom of the page by A&P:

Yes, it form a covalent bond but papers that say chemical bond should be counted right also because a covalent bond is a chemical bond.

Yes, the answer is B. A covalent bond is found in a water molecule.

To arrive at this conclusion, we need to understand the nature of the bonding between the hydrogen and oxygen atoms in a water molecule. When hydrogen and oxygen atoms come together, they form a molecule by sharing electrons. In a covalent bond, atoms share electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration, rather than gaining or losing electrons completely as seen in ionic bonds.

Therefore, in a water molecule, the two hydrogen atoms share electrons with the oxygen atom, resulting in a covalent bond.