Please check this sentence:

Un sport la fille n'aime pas est nager.

I'll send this to our French expert, SraJMcGin.

Thanks! Also, there's this one:

Je suis en quatrième.

You need "clause relater que" = Un sport que la fille n'aime pas c'est nager.

(A sport THAT the girl doesn't like is swimming.) The c'est refers back to something prior that you have said.

Yes, if you are in 8th Grade, USA.

Sra (aka Mme)

To check if the sentence is grammatically correct, we need to take into account the gender agreement between the subject and the verb.

In this sentence, "La fille" is a singular feminine subject, and "n'aime pas" is the correct conjugation of the verb "aimer" (to like) in the third person. However, the word "sport" is masculine, so it should be changed to "Un sport" to maintain gender agreement.

Therefore, the corrected sentence would be: "Un sport que la fille n'aime pas est nager."

Remember, it is always important to check gender agreement when writing sentences in French.