jasmine bought 6 gallons of apple juice. after filling up 4 bottles of the same size with apple juice, she has 0.3 gallons of apple juice left. hhow many gallons of apple juice are in each container?

there are 0.15 gallons of apple juice in each container.



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To find out how many gallons of apple juice are in each container, we need to divide the total amount of apple juice by the number of containers it was divided into.

Jasmine had 6 gallons of apple juice initially. After filling up 4 bottles, she had 0.3 gallons left.

To find out the amount of apple juice in each container, we can subtract the amount left from the initial total:
6 gallons - 0.3 gallons = 5.7 gallons

Now we divide the total amount remaining (5.7 gallons) by the number of containers (4):
5.7 gallons ÷ 4 containers = 1.425 gallons per container

Therefore, each container holds approximately 1.425 gallons of apple juice.