How do you write a balanced equation for the preparation of phenylmagnesium bromide and it's reaction with benzophenone followed by neutralization in acid?

so what is the exact anwser?

To write a balanced equation for the preparation of phenylmagnesium bromide and its reaction with benzophenone followed by neutralization in acid, we need to break down the process into individual steps.

Preparation of Phenylmagnesium Bromide:
Step 1: Write the chemical equation for the reaction between magnesium and bromobenzene.
2 Mg + 2 C6H5Br -> 2 C6H5MgBr + MgBr2

Reaction between Phenylmagnesium Bromide and Benzophenone:
Step 2: Write the chemical equation for the reaction between phenylmagnesium bromide and benzophenone.
C6H5MgBr + C13H10O -> C19H14OMgBr

Neutralization in Acid:
Step 3: Write the chemical equation for the reaction between C19H14OMgBr and acid, such as hydrochloric acid (HCl).
C19H14OMgBr + 2 HCl -> C19H14OH + MgBrCl

Overall balanced equation:
Combining all the steps, the overall balanced equation is:
2 Mg + 2 C6H5Br + C13H10O + 2 HCl -> 2 C6H5MgBr + MgBr2 + C19H14OMgBr + C19H14OH + MgBrCl

To write a balanced equation for the preparation of phenylmagnesium bromide (C6H5MgBr) and its subsequent reaction with benzophenone (C6H5COCH6H5) followed by neutralization in acid, you need to understand the reaction mechanisms involved.

1. Preparation of Phenylmagnesium Bromide:
Phenylmagnesium bromide can be prepared by the reaction of bromobenzene (C6H5Br) with magnesium (Mg) in anhydrous ether as the solvent. The balanced equation for this reaction is as follows:

C6H5Br + Mg --> C6H5MgBr

2. Reaction of Phenylmagnesium Bromide with Benzophenone:
Phenylmagnesium bromide is a strong nucleophile that can attack the carbonyl carbon of benzophenone, resulting in the formation of a magnesium alkoxide intermediate. This intermediate is further converted into a tertiary alcohol through acid-base reaction and subsequent protonation with acid. The overall balanced equation for this reaction is:

C6H5MgBr + C6H5COCH6H5 + H3O+ --> C6H5CH(OH)C6H5 + MgBrOH

3. Neutralization of the Tertiary Alcohol:
The obtained tertiary alcohol (C6H5CH(OH)C6H5) can be neutralized by reacting it with an acid (such as hydrochloric acid, HCl) to form the corresponding salt and water. The balanced equation for this neutralization reaction is:

C6H5CH(OH)C6H5 + HCl --> C6H5CH(OH)C6H5Cl + H2O

So, the overall balanced equation for the preparation of phenylmagnesium bromide, its reaction with benzophenone, and subsequent neutralization in acid would be:

C6H5Br + Mg + C6H5COCH6H5 + H3O+ + HCl --> C6H5CH(OH)C6H5Cl + MgBrOH + H2O

C6H6Br + Mg ==> C6H6MgBr which is the phenylmagnesium bromide.

C6H6MgBr + C10H13O ==> C16H19OMgBr

C16H19OMgBr + H2O(H^+) ==> C16H19OH + MgOHBr.
I can't draw the structures. I think I've counted the C, H, O etc but you should check it out.
The follows this scheme.
BrBenzene + Mg ==> Benzene*MgBr
Benzene*MgBr + BzCOBz ==>
R3COH where R is phenyl group.