Describe how you would prepare t-butyl-n-butyl ether. assume you are working on a 1 M scale. what reagents would you use? What solvent? what reaction conditions?

To prepare t-butyl-n-butyl ether on a 1 M scale, you would need the following reagents and follow the given reaction conditions:

1. t-Butanol: This will be the starting material for the synthesis.
2. n-Butyl bromide: This will be the alkylating agent.
3. Sodium hydride (NaH): This will act as a base to deprotonate the t-butanol.
4. Drying agent (such as molecular sieves or anhydrous magnesium sulfate): This will be used to remove any residual water present in the reaction mixture.
5. Organic solvent (such as dichloromethane or diethyl ether): This will act as the reaction solvent and aid in the extraction of the product.

Reaction Conditions:
1. Set up the reaction in a well-equipped fume hood due to the use of flammable and toxic reagents.
2. In a dry and inert atmosphere, add the t-butanol (1 mole) and the chosen organic solvent (sufficient amount to dissolve the t-butanol) into a reaction flask.
3. Slowly add sodium hydride (1.2 moles) to the reaction flask while stirring. Note: NaH reacts violently with water or alcohols, so it is important to remove all traces of moisture from the reaction system.
4. Allow the mixture to stir for about 30 minutes to ensure complete deprotonation of t-butanol.
5. Add n-butyl bromide (1 mole) dropwise to the reaction mixture while maintaining the temperature below 40°C. This will prevent unwanted side reactions.
6. After the addition is complete, continue stirring the reaction mixture for 12-24 hours at room temperature or at a slightly elevated temperature, depending on the desired reaction rate.
7. To ensure completion, monitor the progress of the reaction by TLC (thin-layer chromatography) or other suitable analytical techniques.
8. Once the reaction is complete, quench the reaction mixture with water, and extract the organic layer.
9. Dry the extract by adding a small amount of drying agent, such as molecular sieves or anhydrous magnesium sulfate. Allow the mixture to stir for around 30 minutes, or until the drying agent appears dry.
10. Remove the drying agent by filtration or decantation, and then concentrate the organic layer to obtain t-butyl-n-butyl ether as a liquid product.

Note: It is crucial to follow good laboratory practices and safety protocols while conducting any chemical reaction.