Something that is trival is

A. Insightful
B. Important
C. Unusual
D. Insignificant
Is the the answer D?


Yes, the correct answer is D. Insignificant. To arrive at this answer, we need to understand the meaning of the word "trivial" and evaluate the given options.

To determine the answer, let's analyze the definitions of the options:

A. Insightful: Having or showing a deep understanding or clarity of thought. This is the opposite of trivial.

B. Important: Of great significance or value. This is the opposite of trivial.

C. Unusual: Not common or ordinary. This is not necessarily the opposite of trivial.

D. Insignificant: Not important or noteworthy. This is synonymous with trivial.

Since we are looking for something that is the opposite of trivial, we can eliminate options A and B. Option C, "unusual," is not directly opposite to "trivial," as something can be both unusual and trivial, or unusual but significant. Therefore, the correct answer is D, "insignificant," because it is the most direct opposite of "trivial."