How are artists and writers most similar?

A.both tell stories through their creations.
B.both have trouble getting published.
C. both are censored in what they can produce.
D. both use mathematics to create their products.
Is the answer A?

1. D

2. A
3. B

Anonymous is correct.

1. D
2. A
3. B
I received 100% = A+

THANK YOU !!!!!!!


Guys I think the teachers are catching on! I mean if the answers spell dab what will they spell next... Are the teachers gonna start saying yeet

Heh. Heh. The answers spell D A B. Heh

dab on that 100

What is with all the dabs?! like, really!

D A B on the test.

HEH. im so funny

Funny thing is that the dabs are correctr XDLOL