Functions f.and.g

F : x 9+x
G : x 3x-2

To define the functions f(x) and g(x), we need to express them in terms of the variable x.

For the function f(x), we are given that f : x ↦ 9 + x. This means that we take the input x, add 9 to it, and that becomes the output value of f(x). So, f(x) can be written as:
f(x) = 9 + x

For the function g(x), we are given that g : x ↦ 3x - 2. This means that we take the input x, multiply it by 3, subtract 2 from it, and that becomes the output value of g(x). So, g(x) can be written as:
g(x) = 3x - 2

These expressions represent how the functions f and g operate on their respective inputs to produce outputs.