I really need your help in solving this problem. I appreciate your time and efforts. Have a terrific day :) Here is the question:

For each expression, perform the indicated operations and simplify, if possible. Solve each equation and check the result.

Two part question:

A. u^2 +1/u^2-u -u/u-1

B. u^2 +1/u^2-u -u/u-1 = 1/u

I assume you mean

(u^2+1)/(u^2-u) - u/(u-1)
Clearly the LCD is u(u-1)
(u^2+1 - u(u+1)) / u(u-1)
(-u+1) / u(u-1)

Now put both sides over the LCD, throw out u=0,1 and set the numerators equal.
Then solve for u.

What do you get?

I am not sure but I will write all of this down. Thank you Steve.



I'm sure that by now you have figured out that I made an error:

(u^2+1 - u^2) / u(u-1)
1 / u(u-1)

Now set that equal to 1/u

1 / u(u-1) = 1/u
1 = u-1
u = 2

5/2 - 2/1 = 1/2

Of course! I'll be glad to help you solve the problem. Let's break it down step by step.

Part A:

The given expression is: u^2 + 1/u^2 - u - u/(u - 1)

To simplify this expression, we'll start by finding a common denominator for the last two terms.

For the term -u/(u - 1), we can multiply the numerator and denominator by (u + 1) to get a common denominator of (u - 1)(u + 1):

-u/(u - 1) = -u(u + 1)/[(u - 1)(u + 1)]

Now we can combine the terms that have the same denominator:

u^2 + 1/u^2 - u - [u(u + 1)/[(u - 1)(u + 1)]]

Next, we need to find a common denominator for the first two terms. The common denominator will be u^2:

u^2 + 1/u^2 - u(u^2)/[u^2(u - 1)(u + 1)] - [u(u + 1)/[(u - 1)(u + 1)]]

Now, we can combine all the terms over the common denominator:

[u^4 + 1 - u^3(u - 1) - u(u + 1)]/[u^2(u - 1)(u + 1)]

Expanding the numerator:

[u^4 + 1 - u^4 + u^3 - u^2]/[u^2(u - 1)(u + 1)]

Canceling out the like terms:

[u^3 - u^2 + 1]/[u^2(u - 1)(u + 1)]

Now we have the simplified expression.

Part B:

Given: u^2 + 1/u^2 - u - u/(u - 1) = 1/u

We can substitute the simplified expression from Part A into the equation:

[u^3 - u^2 + 1]/[u^2(u - 1)(u + 1)] = 1/u

To solve this equation, we'll multiply both sides of the equation by the common denominator, which is u * [u^2(u - 1)(u + 1)]:

[u^3 - u^2 + 1] = [u^2(u - 1)(u + 1)]

Now, we'll expand the equation and bring all terms to one side:

u^3 - u^2 + 1 - (u^3 - u^2(u - 1)(u + 1)) = 0

Simplifying further:

u^3 - u^2 + 1 - (u^3 - (u^4 - u^2)(u + 1)) = 0

Expanding the equation:

u^3 - u^2 + 1 - u^3 + u^4(u + 1) - u^2(u + 1) = 0

Combining like terms:

u^4(u + 1) - u^2(u + 1) - u^2 + 1 = 0

Now, we'll collect like terms:

(u^4 - u^2)(u + 1) - (u^2 - 1) = 0

Factoring out common terms:

u^2(u^2 - 1) - (u^2 - 1) = 0

(u^2 - 1)(u^2 - 1) = 0

Now, we have the equation (u^2 - 1)^2 = 0

To solve this equation, we'll apply the zero-product property:

u^2 - 1 = 0

Adding 1 to both sides:

u^2 = 1

Taking the square root of both sides (considering both positive and negative square roots):

u = ±1

So, the solutions for the equation are u = 1 and u = -1.

To check the solutions, substitute them back into the original equation.

When u = 1:

1^2 + 1/1^2 - 1 - 1/(1 - 1) = 1/1

1 + 1 - 1 - undefined = 1

2 - undefined = 1

The equation holds true.

Similarly, when u = -1:

(-1)^2 + 1/(-1)^2 - (-1) - (-1)/(-1 - 1) = 1/(-1)

1 + 1 - (-1) - (-1)/(-2) = -1

2 + 1 + 1/2 = -1

2.5 ≠ -1

The equation does not hold true for u = -1.

Therefore, the only valid solution is u = 1.

I hope this explanation clarifies the steps involved in solving the problem. Feel free to ask if you have any further questions!