When a violent crime is committed, the investigating officer will attempt to determine the suspect's method of operation. This should be recorded in which face sheet section?

A. M.O., or modus operandi

B. M.E., or method of entry

C. Method of escape

D. Victim selection

I think it's A. but not sure

A is correct.

Modus operandi is the Latin phrase that means mode (or method) of operating.

To determine the correct answer, let me explain the different sections of a face sheet in a criminal investigation record and what they typically entail.

A face sheet is a standardized form used in criminal investigations to gather pertinent information about a crime. It helps investigators organize and document important details related to the case.

In this instance, we're looking for the section in which the investigating officer records the suspect's method of operation (M.O.), which refers to the consistent patterns or techniques used by a criminal while committing a crime. The M.O. can include specific actions, behaviors, or strategies that are unique to a particular suspect or type of crime.

Now, let's look at the options:

A. M.O., or modus operandi: This seems like a plausible choice since it directly mentions method of operation, which is what we are looking for.

B. M.E., or method of entry: This section typically focuses on how the suspect gained access to the crime scene, such as breaking a window, picking a lock, or using a key.

C. Method of escape: This section usually focuses on how the suspect fled the crime scene, including details like using a getaway vehicle, running away on foot, or taking public transportation.

D. Victim selection: This section pertains to the process or criteria the suspect used to choose their victim, such as age, gender, appearance, or specific characteristics.

Based on the definitions above, it is clear that A. M.O., or modus operandi, is the correct choice. This section of the face sheet focuses specifically on the suspect's method of operation.

Therefore, the answer is A. M.O., or modus operandi.