What allied country lost the most troops

Which war?

world war1


ive read

So -- which allied country had the most deaths?

To find out which allied country lost the most troops, we can refer to historical data from World War II. During that conflict, the Soviet Union, also known as the USSR, experienced the greatest military losses among the Allied nations.

To estimate the total number of Soviet military deaths, we can rely on various sources, including official government data, historical accounts, and scholarly research. According to most estimates, the USSR suffered a staggering number of military casualties, with estimates ranging from 8.7 to 10.6 million soldiers killed in action or died from wounds, diseases, or accidents during the war.

It's important to note that these figures represent military casualties and do not account for civilian deaths or other forms of loss. Additionally, different sources may provide slightly different figures, but the general consensus is that the Soviet Union incurred the highest military losses among the Allied countries during World War II.