Interacting with others, exercising imagination, sharing and taking turns, and trying out new roles are all benefits of

A. fantasy play. B. piano lessons. C. chess, Sudoku, and crossword puzzles. D. tutoring.


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No, the correct answer is A. fantasy play. Interacting with others, exercising imagination, sharing and taking turns, and trying out new roles are all benefits of fantasy play.

To determine the answer, consider the benefits associated with each option:

A. Fantasy play: This is a type of play where children engage in imaginative and pretend activities. While it does involve interacting with others, exercising imagination, and trying out new roles, it doesn't necessarily involve sharing and taking turns.

B. Piano lessons: While piano lessons may provide benefits such as discipline, concentration, and musical skills, they do not specifically address interacting with others, exercising imagination, sharing and taking turns, or trying out new roles.

C. Chess, Sudoku, and crossword puzzles: These activities can help improve mental skills, such as problem-solving, critical thinking, and memory, but they may not involve much interaction with others, exercising imagination, or trying out new roles.

D. Tutoring: Apart from improving academic skills, tutoring can also involve interacting with others, exercising imagination (if the subject material involves creativity or problem-solving), sharing and taking turns when discussing or solving problems, and potentially trying out new roles such as tutor and student.

Therefore, the option that best represents all the mentioned benefits is D. tutoring.