So, last week Coach gave us 3 packets by Blackline Masters to do but I wasn't at school most of last so I didn't get them until Friday and he isn't giving me any extra time, and tneyre due tomorrow, and im kind of freaking out, does anyone know where I could get answer keys that don't involve downloading Office?? Would be very helpful, thanks

I understand you're looking for answer keys for three packets from Blackline Masters without having to download Office. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you find answer keys online:

1. Start by searching for the specific packet name or topic on a search engine like Google or Bing. For example, try searching for "Blackline Masters answer key [packet name/subject]."

2. Look for educational websites, forums, or online communities that might offer answer keys or solutions. Websites like TeachersPayTeachers, StudyLib, or Course Hero often have educational resources available.

3. When visiting these sites, you may be required to sign up or create an account to access the answer keys. Be cautious and thoroughly read any terms or conditions before providing personal information.

4. If you don't find the answer keys directly, try searching for study guides, lesson plans, or teacher resources related to the packet topic. These materials might contain answers or hints that could assist you in completing your assignments.

5. Another option is to search for video tutorials or online lessons on platforms like YouTube. Often, educators share solutions or walkthroughs for various assignments or worksheets.

Remember, it's important to use these resources as a tool for learning and understanding, rather than simply copying the answers. Take the opportunity to review the concepts and problem-solving strategies along the way.

Good luck with your assignments!