Among the factors that brought about European colonialism, which of the following supported concepts of racial superiority?

A. The introduction of the steam engine and the telegraph
B. Social Darwinism
C. Economic and trade opportunities
D. the machine gun

I have read till I am blue in the face and I cant find it....I must have missed reading something in regards to this question?

I understand that this question is quite specific and may require some additional background knowledge. Let me explain how you can approach this question.

To determine which factor supported concepts of racial superiority during European colonialism, you need to analyze each option and assess its relationship to racial superiority.

A. The introduction of the steam engine and the telegraph: The steam engine and the telegraph were technological advancements that facilitated transportation and communication, which played significant roles in the process of colonization. However, they do not have a direct connection to racial superiority.

B. Social Darwinism: Social Darwinism is a pragmatic philosophy that emerged in the late 19th century, which applied Charles Darwin's theory of natural selection to human societies. It promoted the idea that certain races were biologically superior to others, justifying the domination of "weaker" races. This option directly supports concepts of racial superiority.

C. Economic and trade opportunities: Economic and trade opportunities were among the main motivations for European colonialism. However, they only indirectly relate to the concept of racial superiority and do not provide explicit support for it.

D. The machine gun: The development and widespread use of the machine gun during the late 19th and early 20th centuries gave European colonial powers a significant military advantage over indigenous populations in the colonies. While this increased the ability to conquer and dominate other regions, it does not inherently support concepts of racial superiority.

Based on these explanations, it becomes clear that the factor that directly supports concepts of racial superiority during European colonialism is B. Social Darwinism.

To avoid missing crucial information in your future readings, it's helpful to use a variety of sources, such as textbooks, scholarly articles, or academic databases. Additionally, focusing on the historical context and understanding the ideologies prevalent during the time period can be beneficial in answering questions that require deeper analysis.