1/4 of Peter's money is the same as 2/3 of James money, James has $60. How much do they have altogether?

Set up an equation:

(1/4)x = (2/3)*60

Solve for x to get how much Peter has

x = 160

160 + 60 = 220

Thank you Don :)

To find out how much Peter has, we can use the information given in the question. We know that 1/4 of Peter's money is the same as 2/3 of James' money, and James has $60.

To solve this, we first need to find out how much James has:

James' money = $60

Now, we can use the ratio given to find out how much Peter has:

1/4 of Peter's money = 2/3 of James' money

Let's represent Peter's money as 'P':

1/4P = 2/3 * $60

To solve for P, we can multiply both sides of the equation by 4:

P = (2/3 * $60) * 4

P = (2/3 * $240)

P = $160

Therefore, Peter has $160.

To find out how much they have altogether, we add Peter's money to James' money:

$160 + $60 = $220

So, Peter and James have a total of $220 altogether.