Hi, I was wondering if this sentence has a comma splice?

Before they get cold, grab that fluffy and heated towel, and dry them.

Thanks in advance!

No comma splice, but you don't need the comma after "towel" because that's not a compound sentence.

Thank you!

You're welcome. =)


Yes, the sentence you provided contains a comma splice. A comma splice occurs when two independent clauses (complete thoughts) are joined together only by a comma, without the appropriate conjunction or punctuation.

To identify and correct a comma splice, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the independent clauses: In your sentence, the independent clauses are "Before they get cold, grab that fluffy and heated towel" and "dry them."
2. Check whether the independent clauses are joined only by a comma: Yes, in your sentence, the two independent clauses are joined by just a comma.
3. Choose an appropriate correction method: There are a few ways to fix a comma splice, including adding a coordinating conjunction (such as "and," "but," or "so") or separating the two independent clauses into separate sentences.

Here are a couple of ways to correct the comma splice in your sentence:

- Option 1: Before they get cold, grab that fluffy and heated towel and dry them.
- Option 2: Before they get cold, grab that fluffy and heated towel. Dry them.

By either joining the two clauses with a coordinating conjunction ("and") or by separating them into two sentences, you can eliminate the comma splice and make your sentence grammatically correct.