Which of the following is most consistent with findings from research on how becoming a parent relates to happiness?

There is an increase in parents' happiness levels just around the time of childbirth that gets larger for each successive child.

There is no systematic relationship between becoming a parent and happiness.

Becoming a parent is associated with an initial increase in happiness followed by a decrease in happiness back to, or sometimes dipping below, pre-parenthood happiness levels.

Later in life, adults who never became parents are slightly happier on average than adults who have children.

I would vote for no systematic relationship.

Becoming a parent is associated with an initial increase in happiness followed by a decrease in happiness back to, or sometimes dipping below, pre-parenthood happiness levels.

Becoming a parent is associated with an initial increase in happiness followed by a decrease in happiness back to, or sometimes dipping below, pre-parenthood happiness levels.

Becoming a parent is associated with an initial increase in happiness followed by a decrease in happiness back to, or sometimes dipping below, pre-parenthood happiness levels

To determine which option is most consistent with findings from research on how becoming a parent relates to happiness, we need to examine the research and its conclusions.

One way to do this is by conducting a literature review and looking for studies that have investigated the relationship between parenthood and happiness. By analyzing multiple studies, we can get a more comprehensive understanding of the topic.

We could search academic databases or use search engines to find studies that have explored this relationship. Relevant keywords might include "parenthood," "happiness," "well-being," "parental satisfaction," and similar combinations.

Once we have a selection of studies to consider, we can look at their findings and conclusions. It is helpful to consider the methodology, sample size, and any limitations of each study. Additionally, examining the consensus or trends among the studies can provide a clearer picture.

Based on the available research, it is found that becoming a parent is associated with an initial increase in happiness followed by a decrease in happiness back to, or sometimes dipping below, pre-parenthood happiness levels. This option aligns with the most consistent findings from research on how becoming a parent relates to happiness.

It's important to note that research on this topic may not be entirely consistent, and individual experiences may vary. It's always recommended to consult different studies and evaluate the collective evidence rather than relying on a single study.