Which of the following sentences contains a verb in the future perfect tense?

A. Andy is going to walk home with Beth every afternoon.
B. Andy has been walking home with Beth every afternoon.
C. Andy will walk home with Beth everyday next week.
D. By tomorrow, Andy will have walked home with Beth every day this week.
Is the answer D?



Yes, the correct answer is D. "By tomorrow, Andy will have walked home with Beth every day this week." This sentence contains the verb "will have walked," which is in the future perfect tense.

Yes, the correct answer is D. "By tomorrow, Andy will have walked home with Beth every day this week." This sentence contains a verb in the future perfect tense.

To identify the verb tense, you can analyze the structure of the sentence. In this case, the verb "have walked" is in the future perfect tense. It is formed by using the helping verb "will have" followed by the past participle form of the main verb "walked."

The future perfect tense is used to describe an action that will be completed by a certain point in the future. In this sentence, the action of Andy walking home with Beth is completed by the end of this week, which is referenced by the phrase "this week."