Car Rentals charge 20 dollars per day plus a 10 dollar service charge to rent one of its compact cars. The total cost can be represented by the equation y=20x+10 where x is the number of days and y is the total cost

Graph the equation What do the slope and y intercept represent
20x is the slope (days) 10 is the y intercept (service change)

How would I graph it? How much would be spent in 1 day? 30 dollars?

to graph it use any two points on the line

if x = 0 , y = 10
so (0,10) is one point
if x = 532, y = 20*532 + 10 = 10,650
so (532 , 10,650) is a point
take ruler and draw line through those points
(I would suggest using like x = 5 instead of 532)

What would it be for 2 days? Would that be 40 dollars


if x = 2
y = 20 * 2 + 10
y = 40 + 10
y = 50

If it was 12 days would it be

y=20*12+10 = 250 dollars?

I thought you only add 10 dollars to the first day

To graph the equation y = 20x + 10, you would need to create a coordinate grid and plot points that satisfy the equation.

Start by setting up your x and y-axis on a piece of graph paper or on a graphing software. The x-axis represents the number of days (x) and the y-axis represents the total cost (y) in dollars.

Next, find some points that would satisfy the equation. For example, you could choose x = 0, 1, 2, 3, and so on, and then find the corresponding y-values.

When x = 0, y = 20(0) + 10 = 10. Plot the point (0, 10) on the graph. This represents the y-intercept because it is the value of y when x is 0.

Similarly, when x = 1, y = 20(1) + 10 = 30. Plot the point (1, 30) on the graph. When x = 2, y = 20(2) + 10 = 50. Plot the point (2, 50), and so on.

By connecting these points, you will see a straight line on the graph. This line represents all the possible combinations of x and y that satisfy the equation.

Now, to answer your question about how much would be spent in 1 day, you need to substitute x = 1 into the equation and solve for y.

y = 20(1) + 10 = 20 + 10 = 30. So, spending one day would cost a total of 30 dollars.

I hope this helps you understand how to graph the equation and determine the cost for a specific number of days!