Sound travels at 343 meters per second. How far does it travel in 8 seconds?

My answer is 2,744 meters.


Zaandre fix your math. 343 metersin 1 second. And you have to see how much that is in 8 seconds so you multiply and get:2744 it’s really easy tbh just use ur brain I promise it helps

read my name

how much time would it take for the sound of thunder 2744 meters if sound travels at the speed of 343 meters per second ?

To find out how far sound travels in 8 seconds, you can multiply the speed of sound by the time it travels for.

The given speed of sound is 343 meters per second.

So, to find the distance traveled in 8 seconds, you would multiply the speed of sound (343 meters/s) by the time (8 seconds):

Distance = Speed × Time
Distance = 343 meters/s × 8 seconds
Distance = 2744 meters

So, your answer of 2,744 meters is correct! Sound would travel approximately 2,744 meters in 8 seconds.

that is the wrong answer

The correct answer is 1,029