There are 89 students in a school band. The number of boys in the band is 5 more than twice the number of girls.

What is the expression for the number of girls and an expression fornthe number of using the variables g to represent the girls.

b = 2g+5

b+g = 89


2g+5+g = 89

Your question is a bit garbled, but I expect you can devise an answer using the above equations.

There are 89 students in a band. The number of boys in the band is 5 more than twice the number of girls.


To find the expressions for the number of girls and boys, we can break down the given information:

Let's assume the number of girls in the band is represented by the variable 'g'.

According to the given information, the number of boys in the band is 5 more than twice the number of girls. This can be represented as:

Number of Boys = 2g + 5

So, the expression for the number of girls is 'g', and the expression for the number of boys is '2g + 5'.