Which one of the following statements by a caregiver reflects a positive and clear approach to communicating with a child?

A. "We don't play with knives." B. "Look at the mess you made at your place." C. "Put this napkin under your sticky bun." D. "Nice girls don't stick out their tongues."


Sorry my answer is C not d.

C is right.

The statement "Nice girls don't stick out their tongues" reflects a positive and clear approach to communicating with a child.

To determine the correct answer, we need to analyze each statement and identify the one that communicates in a positive and clear manner to a child.

Option A, "We don't play with knives," is a clear statement that establishes a rule for the child. It emphasizes safety, but it does not necessarily have a positive tone.

Option B, "Look at the mess you made at your place," uses a blaming and negative approach to address the child's behavior. This statement could potentially make the child feel ashamed or defensive.

Option C, "Put this napkin under your sticky bun," gives clear instructions to the child while also addressing a specific situation. It does not use negative language and focuses on problem-solving.

Option D, "Nice girls don't stick out their tongues," provides guidance on appropriate behavior. It delivers a clear message while also imparting a sense of social etiquette.

Out of these options, option D is the choice that reflects a positive and clear approach to communicating with a child.