It's important to recognize a child when he or she follows the rules because not doing so can

A. improve their self-image. B. cause them to act out to receive adult attention. C. help to develop self-regulation. D. help them to develop their self-esteem.


Key word: NOT


Thank you Don

To determine the correct answer among the options A, B, C, and D, let's analyze each one and see which one aligns with the importance of recognizing a child when they follow the rules.

Option A suggests that recognizing a child when they follow the rules can improve their self-image. While it is true that recognition and positive reinforcement can contribute to building a positive self-image, it may not be the most direct benefit of recognizing a child for following the rules.

Option B suggests that not recognizing a child for following the rules can cause them to act out to receive adult attention. This possibility exists because if children feel their good behavior goes unnoticed, they may resort to negative behaviors to seek attention. This option highlights a potential negative consequence of not recognizing children for following the rules, but it does not explain why it is important to recognize them.

Option C states that recognizing a child when they follow the rules can help develop self-regulation. This option aligns with the notion that acknowledging and reinforcing desired behavior helps children develop self-control, discipline, and the ability to regulate their own actions.

Option D suggests that recognizing a child when they follow the rules can help them develop self-esteem. Recognizing children for their achievements and adhering to rules can boost their confidence and build a positive sense of self.

Based on the explanations provided, it is clear that there may be multiple positive outcomes associated with recognizing a child for following the rules. However, the option that most directly addresses the importance of recognition in fostering a specific skill or attribute is option C, which states that recognizing a child when they follow the rules can help develop self-regulation.