According to thomas jefferson when and why would george washington and benjamin franklin speak selectively?

Thomas Jefferson did not explicitly state when and why George Washington and Benjamin Franklin would speak selectively. However, we can infer some reasons based on their historical contexts and personalities.

When it comes to speaking selectively, it is important to consider the individual characteristics and the circumstances they found themselves in. George Washington and Benjamin Franklin were both prominent figures in American history, and their ability to communicate effectively had a direct impact on their political careers and public image.

First, George Washington was known for his reserved and cautious nature. He was conscious of the responsibilities that came with his position as the first President of the United States and wanted to maintain a sense of dignity and authority. Washington would often speak selectively to preserve his status and avoid unnecessary controversies or misunderstandings. Additionally, his speeches were carefully crafted to inspire and unify the young nation, emphasizing the importance of unity and civic virtue.

On the other hand, Benjamin Franklin was known for his diplomatic skills, wit, and charm. He was a prolific writer and speaker, often expressing his views through various forms of media, including newspapers and pamphlets. Despite his general openness, Franklin would sometimes choose to speak selectively for strategic reasons. As a skilled politician and diplomat, Franklin understood the importance of diplomacy and negotiation. Therefore, he might have chosen to be cautious about sensitive or controversial topics that could harm diplomatic relations or undermine his efforts to achieve his goals.

To get a more comprehensive understanding of the specific instances when George Washington and Benjamin Franklin would speak selectively, it would be best to study their written works, speeches, and historical records. By examining their personal correspondence, public speeches, and political writings, one can gain insights into the reasons behind their selective communication.