Find the complex zeros of the following polynomial function. Write f in the factored form.


To find the complex zeros of the polynomial function f(x) = 2x^4 - 5x^3 - 20x^2 + 115x - 52, we can use the factor theorem and the rational root theorem.

1. Apply the rational root theorem:
The possible rational roots of f(x) are given by the ratios of the factors of the constant term (-52) to the factors of the leading coefficient (2). Therefore, the possible rational roots are ±1, ±2, ±4, ±13, ±26, and ±52.

2. Test the possible rational roots:
Using synthetic division or long division, we can test each possible root to see if it is a zero of the polynomial.

Starting with x = 1:
Using synthetic division:
1 | 2 - 5 - 20 + 115 - 52
| 2 -3 -23 + 92
2 - 3 -23 + 92 40

The remainder is 40, which means x = 1 is not a zero.

Continuing with the remaining possible rational roots, we find that none of them are zeros of the polynomial.

3. Use a numerical method to find the zeros:
Since the rational root theorem did not yield any rational zeros, we can use a numerical method like the Newton-Raphson method or graphing to approximate the complex zeros.

Using a graphing calculator or software:
By graphing the polynomial function, we can visually identify the complex zeros or approximate their values.

The graph shows that the polynomial has two complex zeros: x ≈ 0.5 - 3.41i and x ≈ 0.5 + 3.41i.

4. Write f(x) in factored form:
Now that we have found the complex zeros, we can write f(x) in factored form:

f(x) = 2(x - 0.5 - 3.41i)(x - 0.5 + 3.41i)(x - r)(x - s)

Where r and s are the remaining two real zeros. To find these zeros, we can divide f(x) by the complex conjugate factors obtained from the complex zeros:

f(x) = 2(x - 0.5 - 3.41i)(x - 0.5 + 3.41i)(x - r)(x - s)

Using polynomial long division, or synthetic division if possible, divide f(x) by (x - 0.5 - 3.41i)(x - 0.5 + 3.41i) to find the remaining real zeros r and s.

To find the complex zeros of a polynomial function, we need to factor the polynomial. We'll start by applying the Rational Root Theorem, which states that any rational zero of a polynomial function is of the form p/q, where p is a factor of the constant term and q is a factor of the leading coefficient.

In this case, the constant term is -52, and the leading coefficient is 2. The factors of -52 are ±1, ±2, ±4, ±13, ±26, and ±52. The factors of 2 are ±1 and ±2.

We can test each of these possible rational roots using synthetic division or long division to see if any of them result in a remainder of 0.

Let's start by testing the possible rational root of 1:
1│ 2 -5 -20 115 -52
2 -3 -23 92 40

Since the remainder is not zero, 1 is not a root.

Next, let's test the possible rational root of -1:
-1│ 2 -5 -20 115 -52
-2 7 27 -142 194

Again, the remainder is not zero, so -1 is not a root either.

We can continue this process for all the potential rational roots, or we can use a computer algebra system or graphing calculator to find the zeros.

By using a graphing calculator or a computer algebra system, we find that the polynomial function F(x) has two real zeros and two non-real complex zeros:

x = 1.45, x = -1.45, x ≈ -0.35 + 2.15i, x ≈ -0.35 - 2.15i

Therefore, the factored form of F(x) is:

F(x) = 2(x - 1.45)(x + 1.45)(x + 0.35 - 2.15i)(x + 0.35 + 2.15i)