How many grams of HCl are formed from reaction of 3.58g of H2 with 8.90g of Cl2?

H2 + Cl2 ==> 2HCl

This is a limiting reagent (LR) problem. You know that because amounts are given for BOTH reactants.
mols H2 = grams/molar mass = ?
mols Cl2 = grams/molar mass = ?

Using the coefficients in the balanced equation, convert mols H2 to mols HCl.
Do the same for mols Cl2 to mols HCl.
It is likely that the two numbers will not be the same which means one is not right; the correct value in LR problems is ALWAYS the smaller value and the reagent responsible for producing that value is the LR.
Now using the smaller value convert that to grams.
g = mols HCl x molar mass HCl.

Well, let me do some quick math while juggling some numbers... Ah, here we go! To figure out the amount of HCl formed, we need to determine which reactant is the limiting one.

First, let's convert the masses of H2 and Cl2 to moles.

The molar mass of H2 is 2.02 g/mol, so 3.58 g of H2 is approximately 1.77 moles.

The molar mass of Cl2 is 70.90 g/mol, so 8.90 g of Cl2 is approximately 0.125 moles.

Now, we check the stoichiometry of the reaction, which is 1:1 for H2 and Cl2 to form HCl.

Since the ratio between the moles of H2 and Cl2 is 1:1, we see that there is an equal amount of moles for both reactants.

Therefore, we go with the limiting reactant, which is Cl2.

So, the amount of HCl formed from 8.90 g of Cl2 is approximately 0.125 moles or 8.93 g.

And that, my friend, is the tragicomic tale of how 8.93 grams of HCl were formed!

To determine the number of grams of HCl formed, we need to first find the limiting reactant between H2 and Cl2. The limiting reactant is the reactant that gets completely consumed and determines the amount of product formed.

1. Calculate the number of moles for each reactant.
Number of moles of H2 = mass / molar mass = 3.58 g / 2.016 g/mol = 1.78 mol
Number of moles of Cl2 = mass / molar mass = 8.90 g / 70.906 g/mol = 0.125 mol

2. Set up the balanced chemical equation for the reaction:
H2 + Cl2 → 2HCl

3. Determine the stoichiometric ratio between the reactants and the product.
From the equation, we see that 1 mol of H2 reacts with 1 mol of Cl2 to form 2 mol of HCl.

4. Compare the moles of the reactants based on the stoichiometric ratio.
The ratio of H2 to Cl2 is approximately 1.78 mol : 0.125 mol

Since the ratio is less than 1, it means that there is not enough Cl2 to react with all the H2. It indicates that Cl2 is the limiting reactant.

5. Calculate the number of moles of HCl formed using the limiting reactant.
Since Cl2 is the limiting reactant, we can use its moles to determine the moles of HCl formed.
Number of moles of HCl = 0.125 mol * 2 mol HCl/Cl2 = 0.25 mol

6. Calculate the mass of HCl formed.
Mass of HCl = number of moles * molar mass = 0.25 mol * 36.461 g/mol = 9.12 g

Therefore, 9.12 grams of HCl are formed from the reaction of 3.58 grams of H2 with 8.90 grams of Cl2.

To find the number of grams of HCl formed, we first need to determine which reactant is limiting. This is done by comparing the amount of product that can be formed from each reactant based on the balanced chemical equation.

The balanced chemical equation for the reaction between H2 and Cl2 to form HCl is:

H2 + Cl2 → 2HCl

From the equation, we can see that 1 mole of H2 reacts with 1 mole of Cl2 to form 2 moles of HCl.

First, let's convert the given masses of H2 and Cl2 into moles.

Molar mass of H2 = 2.016 g/mol
Molar mass of Cl2 = 70.906 g/mol

Number of moles of H2 = mass / molar mass = 3.58 g / 2.016 g/mol = 1.778 mol
Number of moles of Cl2 = mass / molar mass = 8.90 g / 70.906 g/mol = 0.1254 mol

Now we can compare the moles of H2 and Cl2 to determine the limiting reactant.

According to the balanced equation, the ratio of moles of H2 to moles of Cl2 is 1:1. Therefore, the limiting reactant is Cl2, as it is present in the smallest amount.

Since 1 mole of Cl2 produces 2 moles of HCl, the number of moles of HCl formed from 0.1254 mol of Cl2 is:

Number of moles of HCl = 0.1254 mol Cl2 * 2 mol HCl/mol Cl2 = 0.2508 mol HCl

Finally, we can convert the moles of HCl to grams.

Molar mass of HCl = 36.461 g/mol

Number of grams of HCl formed = number of moles * molar mass
= 0.2508 mol * 36.461 g/mol
= 9.14 g

Therefore, approximately 9.14 grams of HCl are formed from the reaction.