I did this conversion problem, but I think it's incorrect.

Problem: A bread slicer runs 20 hours per day for 30 days and slices 144,000 loaves of bread. How many loaves per minute are sliced?

I did 20hr/1days times 30days/600hrs times 1hr/60mins times 144000 loaves/30days.I got 8640000/1080000 which got me my answer:

80 loaves per minute.

144,000 / (20 * 30) = 240 loaves per hour

240 / 60 = 4 loaves per minute

Thank you.

You're welcome.

To determine if your answer is correct, let's break down the problem and solve it step by step.

First, we should find the total number of hours the bread slicer runs during the given time period. We multiply 20 hours per day by 30 days to get:

20 hours/day * 30 days = 600 hours

Next, let's calculate the number of loaves sliced per hour. We divide the total number of loaves (144,000) by the total number of hours (600):

144,000 loaves / 600 hours = 240 loaves per hour

Finally, to find the number of loaves sliced per minute, we divide the loaves per hour by 60:

240 loaves/hour / 60 minutes = 4 loaves per minute

Based on these calculations, the correct answer is 4 loaves per minute, not 80 loaves per minute.

In your calculations, it seems that you made an error when dividing 144,000 loaves by 30 days instead of the total number of hours, which led to an incorrect answer.