In which sentences does the boldfaced word contain the Latin root -lum-?

A. The bear tucked into his cave for a long winter's (slumber).
B. Hannah's face was (luminous) with the soft morning light.
C. The (plumber) peered into the dark drainpipe.
D. Harry felt (clumsy) after he slipped and fell during gym class.
Is the answer B?


that answer is true i had the same one

If anyone can answer but what exactly does boldface mean in those kinda questions?

boldface means bold pretty much

Yes, the answer is B. In sentence B, the word "luminous" contains the Latin root -lum-. To arrive at this answer, you can break down each word in the sentence and look for the Latin root -lum-. "Luminous" comes from the Latin word "lumen," which means "light." By identifying the connection between "luminous" and "lumen," you can determine that sentence B is the correct answer.