1) 4b-5t(-a-3)i=7-8i

2) (7+4i) - (l+2i)

3) (3+2i) (-2+4i)

1. I don't know

2. is -14 + 8i

3. is 2i+7-l

I hope this helps! :)

thank you

but can u show me how u got it?

Oops, I am Anonymous! Sorry!

Anyways for 1, I still don't know.

For 2, it is -14 + 8i.

For 3, it is 2i+7-l

I hope this helps! :)

i know i mean how did you get it like how your answer so i can use it for my other questions.

1. 4b-5t(-a-3)i=7-8i

You don't say what you want.
I see 3 variables in one equation, are you solving for one of them or what?

2. (7+4i) - (l+2i)
is that supposed to say (7+4i) - (1+2i) ?
= 7+4i - 1 - 2i
= 6 + 2i

(3+2i) (-2+4i)
= -6 + 12i - 4i + 8i^2
= -6 + 8i - 8 , remember i^2 -1
= -14 + 8i

Sorry, I didn't see your post before my second post. I made a typo error as well in my two posts. I meant to say:

2. is 2i+7-l

3. is -14 + 8i

For 2:

I got my answer off researching.

(7+4i) - (l+2i)

Multiply i and 4 = 4i
Multiply i and 1 = i

7+4*i = 7+4i

Multiply i and 2 = 2i
Multiply i and 1 = i

l+2*i = l+2i

Subtract polynomials 7+4i & l+2i. Subtract terms in one polynomial with any like terms in the other polynomial.

Be careful with "-" in front of l+2i. Used on all terms in it.

4i - 2i = 2i

The answer is 2i+7-l

(7+4*i)-(l+2*i) = 2i+7-l

The final answer is:


For 3:

I can't really explain, even though I will try.

(3+2i) (-2+4i) =

(3 + (2 * i)) * ((-2) + (4 * i)) =

-14 + 8 i

That's as best as I could explain both. I got both from researching and doing the problems, so I can't really explain by that.

I hope this helps?

Reiny is correct for 2, I forgot to subtract 1 from 7 to get her answer. Sorry!!

P.S. Go with Reiny, she is a tutor on this website, I was just trying to help though.

I am Anonymous again! I don't know why it keeps doing this!

"Reiny is correct for 2, I forgot to subtract 1 from 7 to get her answer. Sorry!!

P.S. Go with Reiny, she is a tutor on this website, I was just trying to help though."

1) To solve the equation 4b-5t(-a-3)i=7-8i, we need to isolate the variable terms on one side and the constant terms on the other side.

Step 1: Distribute the -5t across (-a-3)i. This gives us -5t(-a-3)i = 5ta + 15ti.

Step 2: Rewrite the equation as 4b + 5ta + 15ti = 7 - 8i.

Step 3: Separate the equation into real and imaginary parts. On the left side, the real part is 4b + 5ta, and the imaginary part is 15ti. On the right side, the real part is 7 and the imaginary part is -8i.

Step 4: Equate the real and imaginary parts separately. We have two equations:
4b + 5ta = 7 (equation 1)
15ti = -8i (equation 2)

Step 5: Solve equation 2 for t by dividing both sides by 15i. This gives us t = (-8i)/(15i) = -8/15.

Step 6: Substitute the value of t (-8/15) into equation 1 and solve for b.
4b + 5(-8/15)a = 7
4b - (8/3)ta = 7
4b - (8/3)(-8/15)a = 7

Simplify the equation:
4b + (64/45)a = 7

Now you can solve for b by isolating the term with b on one side:
4b = 7 - (64/45)a
b = (7 - (64/45)a)/4

So, the solution is b = (7 - (64/45)a)/4 and t = -8/15.

2) To subtract complex numbers, we subtract their real and imaginary parts separately.

To solve (7+4i) - (l+2i), we subtract the real and imaginary parts individually.

Step 1: Subtract the real parts: 7 - 1 = 6.

Step 2: Subtract the imaginary parts: 4i - 2i = 2i.

Therefore, the result is 6 + 2i.

3) To multiply complex numbers, we use the distributive property.

To solve (3+2i) (-2+4i), we need to multiply each term by the other.

Step 1: Multiply the first terms: (3)(-2) = -6.

Step 2: Multiply the outer terms: (3)(4i) = 12i.

Step 3: Multiply the inner terms: (2i)(-2) = -4i.

Step 4: Multiply the last terms: (2i)(4i) = 8i^2. Since i^2 = -1, this simplifies to -8.

Step 5: Combine like terms: (-6) + (12i) + (-4i) + (-8).

Step 6: Simplify: -6 + 12i - 4i - 8 = -14 + 8i.

Therefore, the result is -14 + 8i.