Sorry, put one more sentence

Name verb and subject for the sentence

"Compaies usually love these qualities."

Is the subject companies and verb is usually?

and for this sentence

"He would be a model employee"
Would he be the verb and be the verb?


Companies is the subject. What do the companies do? (The verb is not usually.)

The subject is he. The verb is WOULD BE.

the first question would be love?

and the second would be it model?

The verb is LOVE.

I told you the answers to the second one.

In the sentence "Companies usually love these qualities," the subject is "companies" and the verb is "love." The subject is the noun or pronoun that performs the action or is being described in the sentence, while the verb is the action or state of being. In this case, "companies" is the subject as it refers to the entity that loves something, and "love" is the verb as it shows the action of loving.

Now, for the sentence "He would be a model employee," the subject is "He" and the verb is the phrase "would be." The subject "He" is the pronoun referring to a person, and the verb phrase "would be" expresses a hypothetical or conditional state of being. In this sentence, the "would" indicates a possibility or future occurrence, and "be" is the main verb showing the state of being a model employee.