6 hundred 2 tens = 5 hundreds ? Tens

Since there are 10 tens in 100, then 620 = 5 hundreds and 12 tens.

To solve this question, we need to understand the place value of each digit. In the number 602:

The digit in the hundreds place is 6.
The digit in the tens place is 0.
The digit in the ones place is 2.

To determine if 602 equals 500, we compare the digit in the hundreds place:
6 (digit in the hundreds place of 602) is not equal to 5 (digit in the hundreds place of 500).

Therefore, 602 is not equal to 500.

To find out if 6 hundred and 2 tens is equal to 5 hundreds and an unknown number of tens, you can break it down into numerical values.

First, let's convert "6 hundred" into its numerical value. Since there are 100 in one hundred, we multiply 6 by 100, which gives us 600.

Next, let's convert "2 tens" into its numerical value. Since there are 10 in one ten, we simply leave it as it is, which gives us 20.

Now, let's compare the values. We have 600 (from 6 hundred) and 20 (from 2 tens).

To determine if 600 + 20 is equal to 5 hundreds + an unknown number of tens, we need to convert "5 hundreds" into its numerical value. Since there are 100 in one hundred, we multiply 5 by 100, which gives us 500.

Now, we have 600 + 20 on one side and 500 + unknown number of tens on the other side.

To find out the unknown number of tens, we need to subtract 500 from 600, which gives us 100.

Therefore, 6 hundred and 2 tens is equal to 5 hundreds and 100 tens.