Act 3

What information is the audience given about the following characters:
Edward the Confessor

i really need help
i think the answer for macduff is that he is trying to convince malcolm to help him overthrow Macbeth

In Act 3 of Shakespeare's play Macbeth, the audience is indeed given information about the characters Malcolm, Macduff, Edward the Confessor, and Siward. Let's take a closer look at what we learn about each of these characters:

1. Malcolm: Throughout Act 3, Malcolm is portrayed as a character who is skeptical of Macduff's loyalty. He believes that Macduff might be working for Macbeth, the current king. To test Macduff's loyalty, Malcolm pretends to be a corrupt and immoral person, stating various vices he possesses. The audience learns that Malcolm, even in the face of desperate circumstances, does not reveal his true nature to just anyone, ensuring his safety in uncertain times.

2. Macduff: Macduff is an important character who strongly opposes Macbeth's tyranny and wants to see him overthrown. In Act 3, Macduff meets with Malcolm in England, where he tries to convince Malcolm to return to Scotland and join forces with him to overthrow Macbeth. The audience learns that Macduff is passionate, valiant, and committed to restoring peace and justice in Scotland.

3. Edward the Confessor: Although Edward the Confessor does not directly appear in the play, he is referenced in Act 3. Edward is the king of England and is known for his saintly and virtuous behavior. Malcolm seeks refuge in the court of Edward and praises his pious and just rule. The audience learns that Edward is regarded as a model of good leadership and morality.

4. Siward: Siward is a nobleman and military general from England who joins forces with Malcolm and Macduff to fight against Macbeth's tyranny. While Siward's appearance is mostly in Act 4, it is inferred in Act 3 that he is a respected and honorable figure, known for his military prowess. The audience learns that Siward is a key ally to Malcolm and Macduff, contributing to the growing opposition against Macbeth.

To further deepen your understanding of the characters and their roles in the play, you can refer to the text directly and analyze their dialogues and interactions with other characters.

Read about the characters here.

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