Despite the outcome of the American Revolution, Britain still held a fort on

American soil at A. New York B. Philadelphia C. Juneau
D. Saint Augustine E. Santa Fe F. Seattle G. Detroit

I'm not sure between Philadelphia or New York because I think that the British had about 3 forts in NY & one in Pennsylvania.

I disagree with both your answers.

To determine which location Britain held a fort on American soil despite the outcome of the American Revolution, we need to examine historical information. The American Revolution was fought between the American colonies and Great Britain, which culminated in American independence. However, it is true that despite losing the war, Great Britain still maintained control over a few strategic locations.

In this case, we can narrow down the options to New York and Philadelphia, as these were significant cities during the American Revolution. To find out which city had a British fort, we can refer to historical records or resources such as textbooks, articles, or reputable websites that specialize in American history.

A quick search reveals that the correct answer is A. New York. The British held several forts and strongholds in and around New York City, including Fort George, Fort Washington, and Fort Tryon. These forts allowed the British to maintain a military presence and control over the region, even after the American Revolution.

In conclusion, the British held a fort on American soil in New York, while Philadelphia was not under British control after the American Revolution.