How many times do you need to multiply 6.5066 by ten to get 650.66?

the same as the number of places the decimal point has shifted.

2 times

To find out how many times you need to multiply 6.5066 by 10 to get 650.66, you need to determine the power of 10 that is involved.

First, divide 650.66 by 6.5066 to get the ratio between the two numbers:

650.66/6.5066 = 100

This means that 650.66 is 100 times greater than 6.5066.

Since multiplying by 10 increases a number by one power of 10, you can determine that you need to multiply 6.5066 by 10^2, which is equal to 100. Therefore, you need to multiply 6.5066 by 10 two times to get 650.66.