There were 60 pumpkins in a pumpkin patch but it was difficult for farmer Joe

to find a perfect pumpkin.

Yes, it would be hard.

20 perfect pumpkins

To find a perfect pumpkin, farmer Joe can follow these steps:

1. Start by examining each pumpkin in the patch individually.
2. Look for signs of rot or damage on the outside of the pumpkin. A perfect pumpkin should have an intact and healthy outer skin.
3. Check for any soft spots or blemishes by gently pressing on different areas of the pumpkin. A good pumpkin should feel firm all over.
4. Inspect the stem of each pumpkin. A perfect pumpkin will have a sturdy and intact stem.
5. Look for a nice symmetrical shape. Ideally, the pumpkin should be round and evenly shaped.
6. Examine the color of the pumpkin. A ripe, perfect pumpkin will have a deep, vibrant orange color.

By applying these steps, farmer Joe can carefully assess each pumpkin in the patch and eventually find the perfect one.