Mauricio has a circus act, and he has a budget of $720 to spend on monkeys and unicycles. The cost of a unicycle is $120 and the cost of a monkey is $90.

where would you place point a and b

the quantity of monkeys at max is 10 and quantity of unicycles are 10 as well

monkey 4 unicycles 3

To place points A and B on a graph, we can let the x-axis represent the number of monkeys and the y-axis represent the number of unicycles.

At point A, we have the maximum possible quantity of monkeys, which is 10. Therefore, the coordinates of point A would be (10, 0) since we have 10 monkeys and 0 unicycles.

At point B, we have the maximum possible quantity of unicycles, which is also 10. Therefore, the coordinates of point B would be (0, 10) since we have 0 monkeys and 10 unicycles.

So point A would be at (10, 0) and point B would be at (0, 10) on the graph.

To determine where to place point A and point B on a graph, we can assume that the x-axis represents the number of monkeys and the y-axis represents the number of unicycles.

Let's place point A at (0, 10), which means no monkeys (0) and the maximum quantity of unicycles (10).

Next, let's place point B at (10, 0), which means the maximum quantity of monkeys (10) and no unicycles (0).

Now, we can plot a line connecting points A and B. This line represents all possible combinations of monkeys and unicycles that Mauricio can purchase within his budget.

To find other valid points on the line, we can look for combinations where the total cost of monkeys and unicycles equals $720 and the quantity of monkeys and unicycles are both less than or equal to 10.

Alternatively, we can create a table to list the number of monkeys, number of unicycles, and the total cost for different combinations.

Number of Monkeys | Number of Unicycles | Total Cost
0 | 10 | $1200
1 | 9 | $1290
2 | 8 | $1380
3 | 7 | $1470
4 | 6 | $1560
5 | 5 | $1650
6 | 4 | $1740
7 | 3 | $1830
8 | 2 | $1920
9 | 1 | $2010
10 | 0 | $2100

By examining the table or the graph, we can see that the valid combinations for Mauricio's budget of $720 are (6,4) and (5,5).