Jim is starting a new diet. When he arrived home, he ate 1/3 of the half of a pizza that was left from the previous night. The whole pizza contains approximately 2,000 calories. How many calories did Jim consume?

If the whole pizza is 2,000 calories, and half is left over, then 1,000 calories are left.

1,000 * 1/3 = 333.333333 or (1,000/3)

To find out how many calories Jim consumed, we need to calculate the fraction of the whole pizza he ate and then multiply it by the total number of calories in the whole pizza.

Let's break it down step by step:

1. Start with the fact that the whole pizza contains approximately 2,000 calories.

2. Jim ate half of the pizza that was left from the previous night. Since half is represented by 1/2, we can calculate the number of calories in half of the pizza by multiplying:
2,000 calories x 1/2 = 1,000 calories

3. Now, we need to determine how much of the half of the pizza Jim ate. The problem states that he ate 1/3 of the half of the pizza. So, let's calculate that:
1,000 calories x 1/3 = 333.33 calories (rounded to two decimal places)

Therefore, Jim consumed approximately 333.33 calories from the pizza.