Okay, so this one is going to be a bit difficult to answer as I cannot post my number line, so you may just have to visualize it, or draw it out on paper.

If HI = GM at what coordinates could point M lie?

Point H is at 8 on the number line and point I is at 14 on the number line

Point G is at 1 on the number line.

So at which or these coordinates is point M?

A: 8 or 14

B: -5 or 7

C: -7 or 9

D: -13 or 15

My choice is B.

So, HI=(I-H) = 14-8 = 6

GM = M-G, so M-1 = 6
or 1-M = 6

Right, so it is B? yYes?


We have a winner!!

Thanks! :)

To answer this question, we need to understand what it means for two points to be equal on a number line. When we say that HI = GM, it means that the distances between H and I and between G and M are the same.

Given that H is at 8 and I is at 14 on the number line, we know that the distance between H and I is 14 - 8 = 6 units.

Now, we are looking for the coordinates of point M, which should satisfy the condition that HI = GM. Since G is at 1 on the number line, the distance between G and M should also be 6 units.

To find the coordinates of point M, we can start by considering the distance of 6 units to the left of G. This would give us a coordinate of 1 - 6 = -5, which matches option B: -5 or 7.

So, your choice of B as the coordinates for point M is correct. Well done!