Choose the letter of the best ANTONYM of the word in bold faced type.bold will be in parentheses.

1) their (patronage of) the arts for
B. opposition to
C. advertisement of
D. festival of
E. interest in... i think its b
2) to (fraternize) with the enemies
C.refuse to socialize
d.become brothers
e. make peace (i think its c)
3) the (uxorious) husband
a. overbearing i think its this one
b. supportive
c. humane
d. monogamous
e. unfaithful
4) a (patronizing) remark
a. familiar
b. flattering ..think its this..
d. charming
e. misanthropic

Choose the letter of the best SYNONYM of the word in bold faced type.bold will be in parentheses.

5)hatched in a high-protein (matrix)
a.environment ..I think it's this..
6)the (patriarch)of the village
a. leader ..this one?..
7) anticipated their (matriculation)
d.enrollment ..this one i chose..

Thanks in advance!!!

Great! All your answers are correct.

Thanks again Ms. Sue!!!!

You're very welcome.


To find the antonym of a word, you need to look for a word that has the opposite meaning. For example:

1) The word in bold is "patronage of". The antonym is the word that means opposition to. The answer would be B. opposition to.

2) The word in bold is "fraternize". The antonym is the word that means refuse to socialize. The answer would be C. refuse to socialize.

3) The word in bold is "uxorious". The antonym is the word that means overbearing. The answer would be A. overbearing.

4) The word in bold is "patronizing". The antonym is the word that means flattering. The answer would be B. flattering.

To find the synonym of a word, you need to look for a word that has a similar meaning. For example:

5) The word in bold is "matrix". The synonym is the word that means environment. The answer would be A. environment.

6) The word in bold is "patriarch". The synonym is the word that means leader. The answer would be A. leader.

7) The word in bold is "matriculation". The synonym is the word that means enrollment. The answer would be D. enrollment.