Not really sure what to do for this problem. this was how it was worded on worksheet.

Larue scored 10 points less than 3 times the number of points that Ross scored. Larue scored 11 points. How many points did Ross score?


So, if Larue scored 10 points less than 3 times the number of points that Ross scored, Ross would have scored 7.

Ross --- x

Larue --- 3x - 10

3x-10 = 11
3x = 21
x =7

Ross scored 7 and Larue scored 11

so if larue scored 11 points multiply 3 by 11 and subtract 10 which would give you 23

Rainy help I'm rong

To solve this problem, you need to set up an equation to represent the relationship between Larue's score and Ross's score.

Let's use the variable 'x' to represent Ross's score.

According to the problem, Larue scored 10 points less than 3 times Ross's score. So, the equation can be written as:

Larue's score = 3x - 10

Given that Larue scored 11 points, we can now substitute this value into the equation:

11 = 3x - 10

To solve for x, you need to isolate the variable on one side of the equation.
Add 10 to both sides of the equation:

11 + 10 = 3x - 10 + 10

21 = 3x

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 3 to solve for x:

21 / 3 = 3x / 3

7 = x

So, Ross scored 7 points.