evaluate the expression when a = 4 b = -5 and c = -8

-b + c =

^^^^ none of these questions helped me , it wasn’t talking about the question that I asked to get helped with , maybe you can describe the persons question better

I will be grateful if you can help me with the following details as I am currently working on the topic of this solution

Ms. Sue is correct. Also, you're welcome. :)


25 + (- 50) = -25

I was thinking the second one too, and yes I think i'll ask my teacher about it. Thanks for your help :)

Can you help with this?
Write two integers with different signs that have the sum of -25

i have no idea, that is what i was confused about.

Where does the "a = 4" fall into this algebraic equation? Is it before the "-b"? Or does the equation equal "a"?

Sorry, just a little confused here.

Honestly, if I were you, I would talk to your teacher about there possibly being an error in this problem. Have you tried checking with your teacher about it?

If not, you probably should. However, if you can't talk to your teacher about it, you might want to consider using one of the answers above. I would probably pick the second one above, rather than the first one.

Well, I'll try to help out as much as I can with the info provided.

First possible equation:
-b + c
First, substitute values:
-5 + -8 =
Next, add.
-5 + -8 = -13

Second possible equation:
a - (b + c) =
First, substitute values:
4 - (-5 + -8) =
Next, solve using ordering of PEMDAS.
4 - (-5 + -8) =
4 - (-13) = 17

These are the only two equations and answers that I could come up with. Is this on paper, or is it on a online?

I hope this helps! :)