Which exponet makes the statement true?

A. 9
B. -9
C. 1/9
D. -1/9

I agree that B is the correct answer.

(1/5^9) = 5^?

(0.000000512) = 5^(?)

When 5 is raised to the -9 power, it equals the same as 0.000000512.

5^-9 = 0.000000512

0.000000512 = 0.000000512

So, B is the correct answer. I hope this helps! :)

1/5^9= 5.12 x 10^-7

Work backwards: 1/5 is the conjugate of 5 therefore, if 1/5 is raised to the 9th power the opposite of that is -9.

5^-9= 5.12 x 10^-7

your answer: B

Um.... Do you mean that my answer is correct or not?

Thank you both.

You're welcome, Anonymous. :)

the answer is b

anyone got all the answers? ;-:

idk le poof

my brothers name is brady ;-;

To determine which exponent makes the equation 1/5^9 = 5^? true, you can work through the problem step by step.

First, you need to simplify the left side of the equation, 1/5^9. To simplify this expression, recall that when dividing by a number raised to an exponent, you subtract the exponents. In this case, 5^9 is in the denominator, so the exponent becomes negative. Therefore, 1/5^9 can be rewritten as 5^(-9).

Now, the equation becomes 5^(-9) = 5^?.

To solve for the exponent "?", you need to compare the bases, which are both 5.

In exponential expressions, when the bases are equal, the exponents must also be equal for the expressions to be equal.

So, for 5^(-9) = 5^?, the exponents -9 and "?" must be equal.

Therefore, the answer to the question is B. -9.