Convert the final pressure for problem #1 into mmHg, Pa (kg/m∙s2), and kPa.

Also, use 1 atm = 14.696 psi to convert to psi (pounds per square inch).
Refer to conversion factors in the chapter 5 notes. Show all units and conversion factors.
Final pressure is 1.20 atm
(1.20atm)(760mmhg/1atm) 912 mmhg
1.20 atm (14 696 psi/1atm) 17.6 psi
I got those two but having trouble finding out Pa and the KPa for the Pa I don't get how to put it in that equation I don't know if it's correct
I got 1.20 atm (1.01325x10^5/1atm). 1.22x10^5
For kPa I got 1.20 atm (101 kPa/1atm) 121.2

Pa and the ones above are ok.

For kPa I would have used 101.325/1 atm and rounded at the end.

To convert the final pressure from atm to mmHg, Pa (kg/m∙s^2), and kPa, we can use the following conversion factors:

1 atm = 760 mmHg
1 atm = 1.01325 × 10^5 Pa (kg/m∙s^2)
1 atm = 101 kPa

Let's calculate each conversion:

1. mmHg:
Final Pressure = 1.20 atm × (760 mmHg / 1 atm) = 912 mmHg

2. Pa (kg/m∙s^2):
Final Pressure = 1.20 atm × (1.01325 × 10^5 Pa / 1 atm) = 1.2159 × 10^5 Pa

3. kPa:
Final Pressure = 1.20 atm × (101 kPa / 1 atm) = 121.2 kPa

For psi:
1 atm = 14.696 psi

4. psi:
Final Pressure = 1.20 atm × (14.696 psi / 1 atm) = 17.6352 psi (rounding to two decimal places, it becomes 17.64 psi)

Therefore, the final pressure in different units is:

- 912 mmHg
- 1.2159 × 10^5 Pa
- 121.2 kPa
- 17.64 psi

To convert the final pressure from atmospheres (atm) to mmHg, Pascal (Pa), and kilopascal (kPa), you can use the following conversion factors:

1 atm = 760 mmHg
1 atm = 1.01325 × 10^5 Pa
1 atm = 101 kPa

Let's convert the final pressure of 1.20 atm into these units step by step:

1. Converting to mmHg:
To convert from atm to mmHg, you can use the conversion factor:
(1.20 atm) × (760 mmHg / 1 atm) = 912 mmHg

So, the final pressure is 912 mmHg.

2. Converting to Pascal (Pa):
To convert from atm to Pa, you can use the conversion factor:
(1.20 atm) × (1.01325 × 10^5 Pa / 1 atm) = 1.2159 × 10^5 Pa

Rounded to the correct number of significant figures, this can be written as 1.22 × 10^5 Pa.

So, the final pressure is 1.22 × 10^5 Pa.

3. Converting to kilopascal (kPa):
To convert from atm to kPa, you can use the conversion factor:
(1.20 atm) × (101 kPa / 1 atm) = 121.2 kPa

So, the final pressure is 121.2 kPa.

Remember to always include the correct units and conversion factors when performing conversions.