Nathan and Steven stacked boxes on a shelf. Nathan lifted 13 boxes and Steven lifted 15 boxes. The boxes that Nathan lifted each weighed 12 lb more than the boxes Steven lifted.

Which expression represents the total number of pounds Nathan lifted?

Let s represent the weight of the boxes that Steven lifted.


13(s +12)


s + 12


15(s + 12)


12(s + 13)

I think the answer would be A. You can also look at the first Related Question Below titled "Math (for Damon)". I hope this helps! :)

Thank you Brady!!!!!

Oh and it was A. Thank you for your help. It is very much appreciated.


Nathan didn't lift any boxes because he hired a moving company. They did all the heavy lifting.

To find the total number of pounds Nathan lifted, we need to calculate the weight of each box that Nathan lifted and then multiply it by the number of boxes.

We are given that the weight of the boxes Steven lifted is represented by the variable "s". According to the problem, the weight of the boxes that Nathan lifted is 12 pounds more than the weight of the boxes Steven lifted.

So, the weight of each box that Nathan lifted is (s + 12) pounds.

Now, we can multiply the weight of each box by the number of boxes Nathan lifted, which is 13.

Therefore, the expression that represents the total number of pounds Nathan lifted is:

13(s + 12)

Hence, the answer is option A.