The Internet is BEST described as a vast _______ connection of computer networks that also link to smaller networks.

What are your choices?




That's obvious because Jiskha -- and other websites -- have users from all over the world.

Thanks Ms. Sue, that was the answer I found.

You're welcome lady.

The Internet is BEST described as a vast

The Internet is best described as a vast interconnected connection of computer networks that also link to smaller networks.

To understand and explain how the Internet functions, let's break it down:

1. Computer Networks: A computer network is a collection of interconnected devices, such as computers, servers, routers, and switches, that are connected to each other to facilitate the sharing of resources and information.

2. Interconnected: This means that these computer networks are linked together to form a larger network. It is through these connections that data and information can flow between different networks and devices.

3. Linking to Smaller Networks: In addition to linking larger networks together, the Internet also connects to smaller networks. Smaller networks can include local area networks (LANs) within homes, schools, or businesses, as well as regional networks or other specialized networks.

4. Vast: The Internet is a global network that spans across the globe, connecting millions of devices worldwide. It has no physical boundaries and allows for communication and data exchange across different countries, continents, and cultures.

To summarize, the Internet is like a vast web of interconnected computer networks, both large and small, that allows for global communication, information sharing, and access to resources. It forms the backbone of modern-day communication and is indispensable in today's interconnected world.