Contrast/comparison on the Parent Trap and the Remake of the Parent Trap I need help asap.

What help? How to write a comparison/contrast paper?

PS -- I haven't read or seen either of those titles. What are they? Books or movies?

Whenever you are writing a comparison/contrast paper (paragraph, essay, research paper), you need to plan it out very carefully on paper first.

Try this:

1. Write all the information about one of your topics on one page.
2. Write all the information about the other topic on another page.
3. Then put them together in this order:

1. Intro
2. All about topic A
~~~2A. detail 1
~~~2B. detail 2
~~~2C. detail 3
~~~2D. detail 4
~~~2E. detail 5
3. All about topic B
~~~3A. detail 1
~~~3B. detail 2
~~~3C. detail 3
~~~3D. detail 4
~~~3E. detail 5
4. Concl.

The number of details for each topic will vary depending on your main points. I would include comparisons (how they are similar) in the introduction and conclusion, but sections 2 and 3 and all those details will be stating and explaining how they are different.

There are two recognized patterns for writing comparison/contrast papers. One is casually referred to as "zig-zag,” but can be very confusing for the reader if you don’t use transitions effectively. The other is topic-by-topic (which is what I've outlined above) and is much easier for the reader to follow.

See for further help with comparison/contrast writing.

Once you have organized your information, please re-post if you’d like feedback from someone here.

To compare and contrast the movie "The Parent Trap" and its remake, I would suggest following these steps:

1. Watch both movies: Start by watching the original 1961 movie "The Parent Trap" and its 1998 remake. This step is crucial because it provides you with the necessary information to make accurate comparisons and contrasts.

2. Take notes: As you watch the movies, take note of various aspects that you can compare and contrast. These may include plot, characters, setting, cinematography, dialogue, music, and overall tone.

3. Analyze the plot: Compare the plot of both movies. Look for similarities and differences in the way the story is presented, the events that unfold, and the resolution. Consider elements such as pacing, the addition or removal of certain scenes, and any significant deviations from the original storyline.

4. Compare characters: Look at the characters in both versions. Pay attention to their personalities, motivations, and relationships with others. Note any changes in character development or any additions or subtractions of characters in the remake compared to the original.

5. Analyze the setting: Consider the locations and overall atmosphere depicted in both movies. Look for similarities and differences in how the settings contribute to the story. For example, compare the original camp setting to the remade camp location. Reflect on how these differences may impact the overall tone and feel of each movie.

6. Compare cinematography and technical aspects: Analyze the visual style of each movie. Consider camera angles, editing techniques, use of color, and any other technical aspects that contribute to the overall look and feel of the film.

7. Assess the performances: Compare the performances of the actors in both films. Look for differences in the portrayal of characters and any notable changes in individual acting styles or interpretations.

8. Evaluate the reception: Research and compare the critical and audience reception of both movies. This step will give you a broader perspective on how each version was received by viewers and experts.

By following these steps, you will be able to gather the necessary information and insights to write a well-informed comparison and contrast analysis of "The Parent Trap" and its remake.