a painter earns $15 per hour. what is the minimum number of hours he must work to earn at least $200? write an inequality to represent this situation and solve.

The amount earned in h hours is 15h. This must be greater than or equal to $200.

15h ≥ 200

To solve, divide both sides by 15. This doesn't affect the direction of the sign because it is a positive number:
h ≥ 200/15

h ≥ 13 1/3

1/3 hour * 60 minutes/hour = 20 minutes

At least 13 hours 20 minutes.

Yes, 13.33 is right.

15h > 200

is it 13.33 or 14 hours ?

To find the minimum number of hours the painter must work to earn at least $200, we can set up an inequality.

Let's use the variable 'h' to represent the number of hours the painter works. Since the painter earns $15 per hour, the painter's earnings can be represented by 15h.

According to the problem, the painter wants to earn at least $200. We can express this as:

15h ≥ 200

To solve this inequality, we need to isolate 'h' on one side of the inequality. We can do this by dividing both sides of the inequality by 15:

15h/15 ≥ 200/15

Simplifying, we have:

h ≥ 200/15

Now, we can divide to find the decimal value of 200/15:

h ≥ 13.33

Since the minimum number of hours worked must be a whole number, we round up to the next whole number. Therefore, the minimum number of hours the painter must work to earn at least $200 is 14.

15h > 200 = 13.33.

A painter earns $15 per hour. What is the minimum number of hours he must work to earn at least $200? Write an inequality to represent this situation and solve. Show your work.