Lester jogs 5 3/4 miles on each day that he jogs. Last month, he jogged a total of 115 miles. How many days did he jog last month?

115 / 5.75 = ?

I do not know

You would do 115/5.75 which equals 20 which is the answer.

To find the number of days Lester jogged last month, we need to divide the total distance he jogged by the distance he jogs each day.

First, let's convert the mixed number 5 3/4 into an improper fraction. Multiply the whole number 5 by the denominator 4 and add the numerator 3 to get 23. The resulting improper fraction is 23/4.

Next, divide the total distance Lester jogged last month, which is 115 miles, by the distance he jogged each day, which is 23/4 miles.

To divide by a fraction, we multiply by its reciprocal. The reciprocal of 23/4 is 4/23. So, we can rewrite the division as multiplication: 115 miles * (4/23).

Multiply the numerators (115 * 4) to get 460 and multiply the denominators (1 * 23) to get 23.

So, Lester jogged 460/23 days last month.

To simplify this fraction, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 23.

460/23 รท 23/23 simplifies to 20/1.

Therefore, Lester jogged 20 days last month.