You use an inclined plane to move furniture into a truck. You perform 224 kJ of work, but only do 91 kJ of useful work. What is the efficiency of the inclined plane?

To calculate the efficiency of the inclined plane, we need to divide the useful work done by the total work done and multiply by 100 to express it as a percentage.

Efficiency (%) = (Useful Work / Total Work) * 100

In this case, the useful work done is 91 kJ and the total work done is 224 kJ.

Efficiency = (91 kJ / 224 kJ) * 100

Now, let's calculate the efficiency:

Efficiency = (0.40625) * 100

Efficiency = 40.625%

Therefore, the efficiency of the inclined plane is approximately 40.625%.

To find the efficiency of the inclined plane, we can use the formula:

Efficiency = (Useful work / Total work) x 100

Given that the total work done is 224 kJ and the useful work done is 91 kJ, we can substitute these values into the formula:

Efficiency = (91 kJ / 224 kJ) x 100

Efficiency = 0.40625 x 100

Efficiency = 40.625%

Therefore, the efficiency of the inclined plane is approximately 40.625%.

EFF. = (Wo/Wi)*100% = (91/224)*100% = 40.6 %.