how to identify the 5 W's in the problem of the student averages in a High School college algebra class for the last semester. the teacher wanted to see how well the class did and constructed the Distribution from the grade book.

who- Students
what- average
when last semester
grade book
why. to see how well the class did and construct the distribution from the grade book

Where? Grade book?

To identify the 5 W's in the problem of the student averages in a High School college algebra class for the last semester, we can break it down as follows:

1. Who: The "who" in this problem refers to the students in the High School college algebra class. They are the ones whose average grades are being analyzed.

2. What: The "what" in this problem is the average grades of the students. The teacher is interested in determining the average performance of the class.

3. When: The "when" in this problem indicates that the analysis of student averages is focused on the last semester. It is important to narrow down the time frame of the data to have accurate results.

4. Where: Although not explicitly mentioned, we can assume that the analysis is based on data from the grade book. The grade book is likely where the teacher has recorded the individual grades of the students throughout the semester.

5. Why: The "why" in this problem is to evaluate how well the class performed during the last semester. By analyzing the student averages, the teacher can gain insights into the overall understanding and performance of the class. Additionally, the data gathered from the grade book helps in constructing the distribution, which provides a visual representation of the grades' distribution among students.

To summarize:
- Who: Students
- What: Average grades
- When: Last semester
- Where: Grade book
- Why: To assess class performance and construct the distribution from the grade book.